Day 2: 28-Day HCG Injections Diet

//Day 2: 28-Day HCG Injections Diet

Day 2: 28-Day HCG Injections Diet

2018-03-29T10:19:07+00:00February 28th, 2018|Testimonials|

Good morning! This is day two of the hcg injections diet. The second day of the gorging.

So, I am going to go ahead and I am going to do my hcg injections today for the morning.

Lucky for me today is Christmas Eve so that I get to eat all the wonderful food, but tomorrow I will be back on a stricter diet, starting tomorrow. So, same thing: we are going to go ahead and clean the area, usually around one half of an inch to an inch from the belly button.

I already have my injection pre-set. It is easier if you prepare them throughout the week so that way you can just go ahead and do them. So once again, here I go.

And there we go. So now, I get to eat all the delicious food for Christmas Eve and tomorrow we will be back on the stricter diet.

So, I hope all of you have a great Christmas Eve!