US HCG Injections

/US HCG Injections
US HCG Injections2018-03-23T12:25:41+00:00

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is quickly becoming the answer to many problems, not just weight loss. US HCG injections play a different role for men and women but are beneficial for both. The hormone contains 237 amino acids and works to speed up metabolism while keeping hunger at bay, stimulate fertility in women, regulate testosterone in men, and help with muscle retention. Are hormone shots right for you? Read on to learn more about this vitality booster.

HCG Injections for Men

When men take US HCG Injections, the hormone acts like the luteinizing hormone (LH) produced in the male reproductive system. LH is responsible for testosterone production, and in some cases, when testosterone is not being produced normally, these shots help get restart the process. Men who may benefit include those who are going through hormone replacement therapy or are suffering from androgen disorders.

When male testosterone levels drop, so does the libido. Erectile dysfunction can set in, but it does not merely affect the reproductive systems. Other health issues spring up. Fatigue becomes a problem, muscles begin to lose their mass, bone density decreases, mental acuity slackens, and irritability becomes a disturbing part of everyday life in someone who was previously cool, calm, and collected. Visible signs of low testosterone levels may include hair loss and weight gain. For many men, this is most problematic in the stomach where belly fat accumulates.

With shots of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, men can expect:

  • Stabilized testosterone production
  • Raised sperm count
  • Improved male fertility
  • Increased metabolism
  • Encouraged biochemical mechanism toward androgen production

If you are suffering from low testosterone levels and would like to find an alternative to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), US HCG injections may help to catapult you back to health and vitality while escaping the negative side effects of TRT.

HCG Injections for Women

Women with fertility difficulties can also reach for US HCG injections to stimulate egg production. If you are not able to conceive after trying clomiphene, your physician may recommend using this hormone.

Who can benefit from this treatment?

  • If your ovulation is irregular or if you do not ovulate at all, gonadotropin may help to stimulate the development of a single follicle leading to the ovulation of a single egg.
  • For those with a normal ovulation cycle, the treatment may stimulate your ovaries to produce more than one follicle to improve your chances of pregnancy as opposed to in vitro fertilization or intrauterine insemination.

If you are considering using this method of treatment for infertility, be sure to consult with your physician first. Every situation is different, and sometimes the US HCG injections are paired with other treatments for more favorable results. You will have a protocol to follow including times when shots need to be issued and tests to monitor results.

HCG Injections for Weight Loss

One of the most widespread uses of US HCG injections is for weight loss purposes. Originally, this approach was developed by Dr. Albert T.W. Simeons after spending forty years researching obesity and searching for reliable ways to help patients shed pounds and inches.

Dr. Simeons created a low-calorie diet plan and found that two hormones, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) — which are secreted in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland within females — can help correct and satisfy particular demands of the body while reducing calorie intake. The US HCG injections allow the dieter to feel comfortable while restricting calories.

The benefits of this diet and supplementation regimen include:

  • The hormone allows you to lose weight without facing gradual muscle loss known as sarcopenia, a common side effect of low-calorie diets. Instead, your body reaches a muscle building state.
  • The hormone helps to decrease your appetite, which contributes to reducing cravings for additional foods or the desire for larger quantities of food.
  • The hormone allows you to feel comfortable without the extra feelings of fatigue and headaches that are often linked to calorie restrictions.

One of the primary reasons why so many diets fail revolves around how the dieter feels during the process. However, with US HCG injections, you can drop pounds and feel good during the process, which is why this strategy has become a widespread method.

The HCG Diet Protocol

The diet consists of four phases along with an optional introductory cleanse to jumpstart the fat burning process.

Introductory Phase

Detoxing is an excellent way to prepare your body for the fat burning process. Not only does it get rid of toxic build up in your body, but the cleansing phase also helps your mind switch gears and prepare to lose weight. This step is optional, but when done properly, it can help you break the old patterns of eating to embrace new ones. Different types of cleanses abound, and you can choose a cleanse that will work for you. During the introductory phase, anything from a mild juice cleanse to an intense colon cleanse will work.

First Phase

The first phase sounds nothing like a diet — it is the extreme fat loading phase. During the stage, the dieter will begin to administer US HCG injections. For nourishment, the dieter will load up on fat, in turn, creating fat stores so that they can be depleted before the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin kicks in and begins to shed abnormal fat.

Second Phase

Once the second phase begins, you will need to start following a 500-calorie diet while continuing to administer US HCG injections. The span of this phase will depend on how many pounds you would like to lose. For dieters aiming to drop fifteen pounds or less, the period will last for a minimum of twenty-three doses. The maximum amount of doses is forty doses or thirty-four pounds. The dietary restrictions are outlined below, so check out your allowances:

  • Breakfast: Coffee and tea may be consumed in unlimited quantities throughout the day. Just be sure to skip the sugar, or you can replace it with unlimited artificial sweetener. One tablespoon of milk is allowed every 24 hours.
  • Lunch and Dinner: Lunch and dinner options are the same for both meals:
    • Protein: 3.5 ounces of grilled or broiled white meat chicken, beef, white fish, crab, shrimp, or lobster. Only fish that does not contain visible fat is allowed, so fish like tuna, herring, salmon, eel, and anything pickled or dried should be avoided.
    • Vegetables: Veggies are unlimited. You may include spinach, chard, beet greens, leafy salads, tomatoes, celery, fennel, red radishes, cucumber, onions, cabbage, and asparagus.
    • Carbs: One breadstick or one slice of Melba toast.
    • Fruit: An apple, orange, half a grapefruit, or a handful of strawberries.
  • Other: Water is highly encouraged; aim to drink 8-10 glasses per day. When it comes to butter and oils, you should avoid them altogether.
  • Shots: When it comes to doing the shots, US HCG Injections for Weight Loss need to be administered every day into the subcutaneous area between the belly button and the belt line; make sure to alternate from one side to the other on a daily basis.

Third Phase

During the third phase, you are not permitted to eat starches or sugars for three weeks. This is the weight maintenance phase, in which the goal is to continue to weigh within two pounds of the last dosage weight. If at any point the two-pound weight mark is exceeded, throw in a “steak day.” When doing a “steak day,” drink fluids during the day and eat one large steak at night along with an apple or a tomato.

Fourth Phase

The fourth phase catapults you forward — it is “the rest of your life” phase. During this period, you should not experience unwanted cravings. At this point, you may introduce sugars and starches back into your diet gradually so that you do not return to old eating habits. Keep an eye on your weight and perform a “steak day” whenever you see a two-pound jump on the scale. If you require a second round of US HCG injections, you must wait six weeks in between sessions. This waiting period ensures that you do not become immune to the diet and shots. If third or fourth rounds are necessary, you must observe longer wait times before each.

HCG Diet Results

US hCG Injections Results | US Health and Fitness InformationPhysicians have watched many patients drop pounds and lose inches after recommending this technique. The beauty of this weight reduction strategy is that it allows you to go about your life — without the unwanted headaches and weakness associated with other diets — while your body works on burning its unwanted fat stores. The combination of US HCG injections and the 500-calorie eating plan is the key to speeding up your metabolism, retaining your muscles, and burning away those problematic fat stores in the buttocks and stomach regions.

Ready to Get Started? Where to Buy US HCG Injections Online

If you are prepared to give US HCG injections a try, you need to make sure that you are buying quality products. The important thing to remember is that it is legally available as a prescription-only product. There are many counterfeit options on the market, so make sure to choose a reliable source before making a purchase. If you would like advice on where to shop, read on to find out who we recommend for quality American-made products, sold at the best price.

Best Prices on US HCG Shots

When purchasing your shots, make sure that you are buying from licensed US pharmacies who sell authentic pharmacy-grade injections or drops. The internet is filled with unreliable sources, so make sure you do some homework before hitting “check-out.” We have found two reliable companies offering real pharmacy-grade products along with a plethora of other benefits. Here is who we recommend:

US HCG Shots

If you reside outside of Florida, but in the United Sates, we recommend US HCG Shots. If you are a Florida resident, skip down to our next recommendation.

Pros: This doctor approved, US-sourced pharmacy is supervised by physicians.

 Cons: This site does not ship internationally. There is also no shipping to Puerto Rico or Florida.

  • Choose from their 28-day or 50-day US HCG Injections for Weight Loss Kits
  • All products are from licensed US pharmacies
  • Lipotropic fat-burning shots are available
  • Phone consultations and support are available for your convenience
  • The US HCG Injections for weight loss diet is supervised online by doctors
  • Doctor office visits and blood tests are not necessary
  • Metabolism and energy booster B12 options are available
  • Reviews with licensed physicians are available
  • Full kit options include all necessary mixing and injecting supplies
  • Access to diet questions and answers and forums
  • Check out the discount page for coupons

This reputable telemedicine company is a great choice for new dieters with beneficial access to diet coaches and support from doctors. We provide recipes and the diet handbook so that you can start shedding pounds right away.

Check us out at

Florida HCG Shots

For those of you who reside in Florida, we recommend Florida HCG Shots. This company provides a wide variety of high-grade vitamin and US HCG injections, but that is not all. They also sell high-quality B12 shots that include LIPO and MIC, combination kits, and drops if you wish to avoid shots. This provider includes a medical interview for a prescription, which is included in the price, allowing you to skip a doctor visit.

Pros: This US-sourced pharmacy is approved by doctors. Also, the US HCG Injections diet is supervised by doctors.

Cons: They only ship to the state of Florida and do not fulfill international orders.

  • Products from licensed US pharmacies
  • Full US HCG injections kits are available and include all necessary mixing and injecting supplies
  • The process is under doctor supervision online
  • Access to diet to diet questions and answers
  • Metabolism and energy booster B12 options are available
  • Lipotropic fat-burning shots are available
  • No need for doctor office visits or blood tests
  • Phone consultations and support are available for your convenience
  • Reviews with licensed physicians are available
  • Your choice of 28-day or 50-day US HCG Injections kits are available
  • Check the coupon page for discounts

This company is reputable and provides American-made quality products for Florida residents. They have an excellent selection of drops, shots, and combination packages.

Are You Ready to Give US HCG Injections a Shot?

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin benefits both males and females. If you have issues with testosterone, fertility, or stubborn fat stores, US HCG injections are the right solution for you. Remember that if you are searching fertility treatments, it is necessary to consult with your physician. Those who are in search of weight loss methods may talk to their doctor or chose a site that is supervised by qualified physicians and provides online support services for your convenience.