The Do’s and Don’ts of Taking HCG Injections

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Taking HCG Injections

2018-03-23T12:33:01+00:00February 28th, 2018|HCG Diet, HCG Injections Online|

For many people, using HCG injections is the ideal way to lose weight and transform the body without the typical frustration, hunger pangs, and cravings of a low-calorie diet. There are many do’s and don’ts you should follow while on this journey, and the following are just a few.

Do: Figure Out the Right Dosage of HCG Injections

Without the right dosage, you may feel the typical side effects of a low-calorie diet. These side effects include cravings, hunger, or losing muscle instead of fat. Therefore, make sure you take care to determine the proper dosage and administer it correctly. Most people, but not all, will have a dosage of 125 iu to 175 iu. However, it can range anywhere from 100 iu to 200 iu, depending on your age, sex, size, and metabolism. If you need to make adjustments, make them in increments of 10 to 15 iu at a time.

Don’t: Cheat on the Diet Protocol

The diet protocol is strict because it is a very particular science. When the diet says you may eat one apple, that does not mean two small apples. The foods you are allowed to eat while taking HCG injections are specifically tailored to promoting fat loss and maintaining healthy muscle mass. Use stage one, the fat-loading phase, to get your guilty pleasures like ice cream or cheeseburgers out of your system. Cheating can set back your entire weight loss efforts, stunting your progress.

Don’t: Forget to Check Your Personal Care Products and Cosmetics

During the very-low-calorie diet portion of your weight loss journey, you need to avoid fat. This includes fats you apply topically, such as in body butters or moisturizers. Fats and oils can absorb through the skin, so be conscious of everything you use on your skin as well as put in your body. Pay attention to lipsticks, blushes, lotions, hair conditioners, and more. Choose oil-free options that do not contain products with oleic acids like shea butter, coconut oil, and olive oil.

Do: Choose and for High-Quality HCG Injections

One of the most important things you can do while trying to lose weight is buying only authentic, high-quality HCG injections from reliable sources. Many of the products you buy online that are pre-mixed or in drug stores without a prescription are fake. Placebos will not work for losing weight. You need pure, pharmacy-grade Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. Choose or if you live in Florida. Both of these telemedicine retailers offer top-grade HCG products that ship right to your door.