Day 1: 28-Day HCG Injections Diet

//Day 1: 28-Day HCG Injections Diet

Day 1: 28-Day HCG Injections Diet

2018-03-29T10:17:27+00:00February 28th, 2018|Testimonials|

Good Morning! This is day one of the hcg injections diet.

I am about to go ahead and do the hCG injections.

I am going to go ahead and prep – clean – the area and inject myself. So, basically we have the little cleaning pad were going to do more or less where the belly is – the belly button – maybe an inch or two away. Just clean that and make sure the alcohol is there. And then, we have the syringe that is already filled with the hCG solution from last night. I am going to go ahead and inject myself. There we go. And then once that is done, we will go ahead and just deposit it.

So, today is the first day of gorging. Basically, the first two days eat everything you want, load up on all the calories and so forth. And then tomorrow will be, Monday – Tuesday, I am sorry – we are going to go ahead and start the actual restricted diet. So, hopefully at the end of the week I will start seeing some results from the hcg shots.

Thank you!