Where Can I Purchase HCG Shots?

/Where Can I Purchase HCG Shots?
Where Can I Purchase HCG Shots?2018-03-23T12:28:18+00:00

Are you struggling to find the right online shop to purchase HCG shots guaranteed for quality? We understand the internet is filled with unreliable sources for this treatment. Do not be fooled by advertising gimmicks, and always do your research thoroughly. We have provided a guide that tells you what to look for when searching for a reliable source for your injections online. Remember that the benefits promised by injections work only when the product is authentic, so make sure that is what you are buying.

Purchase HCG Shots that Are Sourced in the United States

Be wary when ordering pharmaceutical products from abroad. In fact, even American online shops should be carefully considered before checking out. Make sure to purchase HCG shots that are sourced in the United States. Do not compromise your health by injecting ambiguous products into your body. The diet requires high quality, prescription-grade hormones and you should be sure that you are getting just that when placing your order.

Keep your eyes open for official FDA labels on products that you plan to order. All such products must have the following statement clearly noted on the product:

  • “HCG has not been demonstrated to be effective adjunctive therapy in the treatment of obesity. There is no substantial evidence that it increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or ‘normal’ distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restricted diets.”

If the site seems fishy, do your due diligence before trusting their products.

What is In the HCG Injection Solution?

When you purchase HCG shots, what exactly are you getting? The main ingredient in the solution is the Human Chronic Gonadotropin hormone, and along with it comes 237 amino acids. The amino acids are responsible for helping your body with muscle retention as you cut calories for weight loss. They also help males increase testosterone levels to improve overall health, libido, and body function as well as stimulate female fertility. But that is not all — the composition of hormones and amino acids helps to clear the mind, brighten your mood, and dampen appetite so that the dieting process is comfortable during every phase.

Search for Sites that Provide Online Support

These days anyone can build a website and post products and start charging. It is important to learn to differentiate between scam sites and authentic online pharmacies. One of the first things you should look for is whether the site offers support services. You should also make sure there is a phone number to call to discuss your goals to purchase HCG shots, injections, and other products provided by the site. Make sure a phone number and hours of availability are listed prominently. Although anyone can build a site, not everyone can maintain it. Online support is essential when going through the diet, using injections, and getting doctor supervision.

Another form of support may be obtained in the form of additional information provided by the online store. Things like further reading, questions and answers, testimonials, customer reviews, physician recommendations, and further reading suggestions are also good signs of a reputable site.

Purchase HCG Shots for Full Health Benefits

The benefits of the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin can only be fully experienced when you purchase HCG shots that are authentic and have the right amount of the hormone present in the solution. The real, quality-grade product is most commonly used in conjunction with a calorie-restricted diet for weight loss purposes, but the benefits far exceed weight loss. Read on to find out what this hormone can do for you.

Benefits for Men

Although the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone is naturally produced by the female pituitary gland, men benefit from it tremendously. When you purchase HCG shots and combine them with the proper diet plan, the hormone helps boost male testosterone production and other health benefits such as:

  • Higher red blood cell count
  • Improvement of cardiovascular function
  • Improved circulation, blood flow, and oxygen distribution
  • Fat reduction and reduced risk for obesity
  • Proper sexual development and increased libido
  • Reduced the risk of erectile dysfunction
  • Increased muscle mass and strength

Low testosterone levels can cause many side effects for men. If you are experiencing poor overall health and libido, purchase HCG shots to give your testosterone levels a boost. With them, you will see your bone density improve, muscles grow stronger, and even your sperm count production skyrocket. Testosterone levels also affect your overall mood if you cannot wipe away the blues — life may brighten once you start taking a regular dose of Human Chronic Gonadotropin, as it helps fight depression.

Benefits for Women

Women who purchase HCG shots are often more comfortable with the idea of injecting this hormone into their bodies because it is already naturally produced by the female body. The benefits for women include overall health and vitality, as well as:

  • Fat reduction
  • Improved mental clarity
  • Younger appearance
  • Improved collagen and skin texture
  • Boosted metabolism and immunity
  • Reduction of menopause symptoms
  • Healthier, stronger, shinier hair
  • Enhanced reproductive health

When overall health improves, a woman becomes happier, her mood brightens, mental clarity sets in, and creativity heightens. When it comes to strictly physiological matters, women who use and purchase HCG shots are often surprised by their youthful appearance as hair becomes healthier, and skin tone improves as a result of rich amino acid intake.

Purchase HCG Shots for Weight Loss

Most people who purchase HCG shots intend to use them in conjunction with a diet plan specifically designed for weight loss and fat reduction.  The system was originally developed by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons after doing extended research on obesity and the behaviors of severely overweight people.  While conducting research, he discovered that the two hormones Corpus Luteum Stimulating Hormone (LSH) and Stimulating Follicle Hormone (FSH) help with the fat burning process, while aiding the body in many ways during a low-calorie diet. He created a low-calorie diet which is to be conducted along with injections to help the body to avoid losing muscle mass and strategically focus the body on burning unwanted fat cells.

When you purchase HCG shots and follow the prescribed diet, you will see how it was strategically developed to include four phases and an optional introductory cleansing phase to help prepare the body physically and psychologically for fat loss. Meal plans consist of coffee or tea for breakfast, a wholesome and well-balanced lunch and dinner, and a snack. Oils and butter are discouraged during the diet and drinking water is heavily encouraged. Although the diet allows up to 500 calories a day, there is a good variety of healthy options to choose from. Also, veggies can be eaten in unlimited quantities for lunch and dinner, so the diet protocol may not seem as limiting as some other weight loss programs.

The HCG Diet Protocol Meal Plan

Benefits of HCG Injections for Women | US Health and Fitness InformationOne of the best benefits that most people rave about when they purchase HCG shots is that they help to balance your appetite. Following the balanced meal plan and incorporating hormone injections on a daily basis will not only help with fat burning, but your overall health will flourish where other diets may stifle the body’s overall fitness and wellbeing.

You will experience:

  • Comfort while dieting. Dieters often complain of discomfort, headaches, and dizziness when following a particular diet. When following Dr. Simeons’ diet plan paired with injections, you feel good even while limiting your food intake.
  • Muscle building in place of sarcopenia. This means that instead of your body suffering from gradual muscle loss, the hormone injections allow it to stay in a state of muscle building.
  • A decreased yet stabilized appetite. When you purchase HCG shots and pair them with a healthful diet, your body gets sufficient nutrients, banishing unhealthy cravings for good.
  • A clearer way of thinking. The mind becomes clearer, and you feel and increased ability to focus, allowing you to experience higher productivity at home and at work.

Dieting has a bad reputation because so many diets are inherently unhealthy. When you are depriving your body of necessary nutrients, it cries out for help. However, dieting does not need to be torture. You can live comfortably and remain productive even while shedding pounds as long as the diet is structured to work together with your body rather than against it. If you are struggling with extra weight that has been difficult to get rid of, purchase HCG shots and give the diet a try.

Where to Purchase HCG Shots Online

Purchase HCG shots wisely. There are many distributors out there, but not all of them offer quality, pharmacy-grade products. We cannot speak for everyone, but we can recommend a couple of reliable sources for those living in the United States. Both are licensed U.S. pharmacies that offer authentic, U.S.-sourced hormones. When shopping around, keep in mind that the diet must be supervised by doctors, so make sure that real physicians are vouching for the site you choose. Doctors will not put their name on the line by recommending a scam pharmacy, so look for reviews and see if doctors are available to supervise your diet as part of the services provided.

Keep your eyes peeled for the official FDA label that must be printed on everything you order when you purchase HCG shots. The label is one way to discern whether your online shop is selling authentic products. The label must be placed on the package stating the official warning and disclaimer provided by the FDA.


This online store ships within the United States except for Florida. International shipping is not available. If you currently live in Florida, skip down to our next recommendation. This site is doctor approved, and once you begin your diet, the process is supervised by physicians. These products are sourced in the United States, and the company stands by their promise for quality products when you purchase HCG shots.

What they offer:

  • Your choice of kits includes 28-day or 50-day supplies of injections.
  • Instant online support and phone consultations.
  • Online supervisions provided by real doctors.
  • You are not required to submit a blood test or see a doctor before you purchase HCG shots.
  • Access to questions and answers online and in forums.
  • Occasional discounts and promotions. Check out the coupon page.
  • Products include high-quality energy booster B-12, lipotropic fat-burning injections, a kit that includes the full range of mixing and injecting supplies necessary for the diet program.

You can find reviews by physicians on their site. This reputable company offers everything that a dieter will need from start to finish. Here, you can purchase HCG shots, receive support from medical experts and diet coaches, and you can even find recipes to make meal planning easy.

Check out their site at ushcgshots.com

Florida HCG Shots

Florida residents can purchase HCG shots from this United States-based pharmacy. They do, however, only ship to the state of Florida. This seller provides a broad selection of products including pharmacy-grade vitamin injections, B-12 injections with LIP and MIC, as well as combo kits. If you prefer to avoid injections, they offer drops, which provide the same effect without the needle.

What they offer:

  • United States-sourced hormones, vitamins, mixing supplies, and other products.
  • Online supervision by certified doctors.
  • Online access to diet questions, answers, and protocol information.
  • Phone consultations, food and nutrition coaching, as well as support.
  • Both 28-day and 50-day injection kits.
  • A free pass to skip blood tests and doctor office visits.
  • Discounts, sales, and promotions. Check the site for coupons and discount codes!

This shop is an excellent choice for Florida residents; if you live outside of Florida, see the online store above.

Visit this shop online at Florida HCG Shots.

Purchase HCG Shots Online and Get Your Health Back

Men and women experience an astounding difference in their bodies when they purchase HCG shots. Weight loss results for both genders when accompanied by the diet plan. In addition, you will see an overall boost in energy and libido, which is something that males and females can both look forward to. Remember: use this product carefully and make sure you find quality, American-sourced, pharmaceutical-grade online shops before ordering. Before you begin your injections, read the instructions and follow the protocol diligently. This way, you can experience the full benefits of the hormones and enjoy the newfound health and vitality today!